The view from behind the BOB on Tuesday's run
I am falling in love with fall running! I got out with Lola for a nap time run (6 miles) yesterday. I could not get her to nap at all so I decided a jaunt out in the jogger may do the trip! SUCCESS-about 1 mile into the run she was O-U-T and I was out running so life was good!

Sleeping Beauty finally fell asleep
The view along the run yesterday really was pretty-and the weather was PERFECT! I find myself being so thankful lately for so many things. The simple things. The things that make my heart happy and bring a smile to my face.
Wilcox Pond~so pretty with the fall colors!
Our neighborhood farm stand was closed for the day :(
The wind was really strong yesterday so it felt like I was pushing 1,000lbs at times but if I have to take a run with the jogger vs. NO run well...the BOB wins any day! I am sure I will get out for several more BOB runs this week while the weather is still good.
What else is going on?? Let's see-
~I finally got myself a RoadID-in PINK!!! While we were at the Maine Marathon Expo, I stopped by the vendor table there and the very, very nice guy running it gave me a $15.00 gift certificate AND a $2.00 off coupon so it was practically FREE!!
~My Mom has been the source of many moments of laughter for me lately. She is in the middle of a big redecorating project at her house and since I have zero talent (or interest) in this kind of thing there are several situations I find very amusing. How many paint chips does one person really need? Don't get me wrong-she is very talented at this kind of thing! When she describes some idea to me, most times I have a hard time wrapping my head around it but always, in the end, it looks amazing. But sometimes I wonder if she has gone plum-crazy!
For example-buying pom-pom fringe for a bed skirt. Yes, pom-pom fringe is funny to me. What is so amusing about it? Well, for starters that she would actually order this kind of thing and be all excited to drive 30 mins north to pick it up! Wait, oops-No, they made a mistake at the fabric store and it did not come in. So she drove almost an HOUR south to a different fabric store to get it. Even funnier?? She paid an OBSCENE amount of money (in my opinion) for pom-pom fringe. My Dad even thought she was insane so when he said something about the INFLATED price of pom-pom fringe to the cashier, they were given a 50% discount coupon. And in my opinion, it is still WAY more money than anyone of the face of this earth should ever pay for pom-poms-it's just crazy*!!

*but she probably thinks the same exact thing about spending money on compression socks!!
With the holidays just around the corner, I am looking forward the the Christmas decorations that will grace her bathroom. You read that correctly-The bathroom. It's done tastefully-no laughing Santa Claus holding out rolls of toilet paper or anything but...yeah. Christmas cheer can be found in her loo! Nothing says "Happy Holidays-enjoy this pee" like a wreath of dried berries and cones.
~Which brings me to shaving (TMI Warning): I have to laugh each and every time I shave my armpits now-I think of one fabulous lady from my group, WIOSM named Tammy (yes, spinach protein shake Tammy) who once put it out there that shaving your armpits when you are fat is a whole new experience once you get lean and have muscle tone. There are more grooves and valley's to shave around and the danger of cutting yourself increases 10-fold. This is SO true!
Same theory goes for the legs! Now that my legs are not shapeless blobs of fat, I have to be much more more careful! So here's to you Tammy-once again I was thinking of you in the shower today! That just sounds wrong huh?
~Thank you to those who voted in my "star" poll. It looks like the overwhelming majority of you (all 7!!) think I should be shooting for the FULL MARY! I think I can make that happen.
I am still hyper-focused on getting me some EMZ-ABS (as they will be officially be called from here on out!)
But the 100 push ups is still on my radar and I think I will once again do the 100 push up challenge, but actually see it to completion this time.
How is YOUR week going?
LOVE the pics of your view!!! i remember those days of using nap time as outdoor running time. something about this time of year always lulled my son to sleep. would it be wrong to say i have ran for over 2 hours straight just so he would sleep good for me????
anyways,you sound like your wheels are turning with the goals you have set. i have no doubt you will reach every one of them!!!!
What great views on the run!!
LOL, whats the green watch for? Time? I love my 305, only thing I hate is that monster doesnt tell the time (and is embarassing when someone sees you with it on and ask you the time, and you have to say it doesnt tell the time)
I'm starting the 100 pushups challenge again soon too! I need some muscle tone :)
good for you! Stroller jogging is TOUGH! beautiful pics!
Oooo I got my roadID at the expo too! I couldn't pass up such a great deal! Now when I die running the my first full @ MDI next year ya'll will know what to do and who to call:-)
A run plus Lola a nap=win win for both of you!
I can't wait until my little one is big enough for the jogging stroller. I love the fall colors. They truly are amazing.
I laughed when I saw all of the apparatus on your arm. The runner's sleeve of achievement.
BDD-the green thing is my Polar F6 HRM (and yes, watch too!) I think there is a way to get the time of day on the 305 but with all the other numbers I need to be aware of during a run, it did not make data-field cut off!
Sarah-great! I'm planning to run MDI next year (which I plan to do as long as "another" race does not interfere with my schedule) so they will find us BOTH! probably slumped over on one of the many, many hills on that course! LOL
The pictures from your BOB run are absolutely beautiful! I love fall too!
Yay for getting a RoadID! I have an ankle strap and wear it on every run and bike ride!
The photos rock. So amazing.
Love the sunglasses!!
Overkill......uhhhh YES - but who doesn't love all the gadgets and gizmos that go with running and triathlon? Did you get a quote or saying for the last line of your road ID?
I can just see your dad trying to negotiate for pom-pom fringe. Can't wait to give him some grief about that!
Run soon? You lucky duck -- running outside with all the gorgeous foliage. All I have this week is GRADING and parent teacher conferences!!!!!
I would love to do the 100 pushups challenge one day. It is my goal to one day be able to do handstand pushups -- I saw it in a movie years ago and I have always wanted to be able to do them.
Um, your wrist? I'd say overkill! Ha! Don't Garmins have heart rate monitors in there too? I had no idea!
It's beautiful where you live. I am inspired by your moms commitment to pom-pom fringe. I am a sewer as well and can understand the need for certain things. :)
Oh Jenn those pics are gorgeous!! It is definitely on my bucket list to see New England in the fall! And you are starting to look like Inspector Gadget! LOL
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