While I continue to paw through 2013 and try to get my thoughts on the year down on "paper", I'll catch you up on things that are going on NOW.
January 8 2014.
In just a few short weeks, I will be hopping on a jet plane and flying to the left coast--
Los Angeles CALIFORNIA! What was supposed to be a bucket list race, The Surf City Marathon has been downgraded to the Surf City HALF Marathon (so I guess this leaves the race on "the list").
I spent the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years battling a pretty stubborn case of bronchitis and I am finally NOW just coming back to "my normal". The training wasn't happening. While I did not fear the ability to finish 26.2 miles under-trained, I feared the reality that this could set me up for some sort of injury. Something I DO NOT WANT heading into 2014. I just do not have the miles on my body just a few weeks out to risk it. It's not a gamble I am willing to take.
So I will still got to California.
I will still run.
I will still get to see people I love like Angela, who is making this awesome movie called From Fat to Finish Line (yeah, shameless plug! ha), also my teammate and AD from Breaking Bad Nina, Tough Chik Shannon and my GOTRIbals gals Tanya and Marison. Pretty much hanging out with REALLY.AWESOME.PEOPLE.
Speaking of FFtFL, here is a 3 min teaser Angela released on our "anniversary" of crossing the finish line in Key West, a year ago Sunday. Enjoy!!
You're gonna love that race! I have ran it the last 2 years and I'm bummed to miss it this year. Have a wonderful time on the Left coast.
Have a safe trip! Whatever distance you feel comfortable racing, hitting the starting line is a victory.
LOVED the video!!!!
have thought about you this week,as I was encouraged to try the local triathalon series.....
I am 80% on board with the idea!
I may be emailing you this spring with a lot of questions!!!!!
good luck and have FUN next week on the west coast!!!!!
Love it!! Can't wait to see the final product of FTTFL! Hope you're getting over being sick ASAP - know that's a total pain!
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