Her other Rx? Take a break from training for a few days!! (imagine that) I am, by the way.
She is an avid runner and gets the whole training thing. She is even doing her first triathlon this summer so we did spent a great deal of time discussing triathlon (another imagine that moment folks). We chatted about bikes and OWS and fitting it all in with kids.
We also laughed at my electronic medical record photo on file-she said it didn't even look like me anymore. The picture was pre-Lola and even pre-pregnancy so I was
Who knew that an annual visit to your OB/GYM could be such a fun filled afternoon?
So I am taking it easy and waiting until I can breath clearly without any stabbing pain to actually get my heart rate up there. Yesterday I walked a couple miles on the TM, did some core work and mowed the lawn with the push mower just so I didn't feel like a slug. Today I'll lift a little upper body and the rest of the weekend we will be busy planting our garden and splitting/stacking 4 cords of wood. Yup, the good ole WoodB!tch Workout.
Triathlon Rocks!!
I have been reading the blog Irondiva for as long as I have been following blogs. I was anxiously awaiting her race report on Rev 3 Knoxville when I stumbled upon a picture of her wearing a tee shirt that made me laugh out loud.
I had to have this tee shirt!!
I searched for Triathlon Rocks online and they had a site that was under construction. So I searched some more and I found them on Twitter and then I found them on Facebook. I am SO good at stalking people huh??
I tweet to Irondiva (aka Colleen, CBK, @cbkingery) and @TriathlonRocks how I need to get this tee shirt. Agnese responded to my tweet and the e-mail exchange was on from there.
Their site launched and I was able to view all of the other tee's they offered in addition to the NOW FAMOUS "I pee on my bike" tee. I loved all the tees they had to offer and saw a couple that I need to add to my collection.
Agnese got my two tees out to my lickity-split and before I knew it, my friendly mail man was here with my package.
Of course, I picked
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so cute with a skirt! |
I have worn my I PEE ON MY BIKE shirt out and about several times since I got it. I showed it off to my buddies in the tri club and it sparked several conversations and To Pee or Not To Pee--that is the question!!
I wore it to pick up pizza for the family and got some interesting looks from some of the people in the pizza place-guess they don't know about saving time during a tri!
I wore it to the gym and heard a couple chuckles and got lots of questions. Several people (non-triathlete) where grossed out at the thought of peeing on your bike but after discussing the virtues of it, they understood. A friend and marathon runner was all about the pee. She pees on the run (only during a race) if necessary! Yay for pee!!
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Triathlon Rocks is Lola Approved! |
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another winner Bottom line? I love, love my new tees!! So do you want to get your OWN Triathlon Rocks tee shirt?? Agnese & Steve are being SO generous as to offer one lucky reader their own tee!! You CAN pick I PEE ON MY BIKE or you can pick a different style--there are several to choose from. Here is how you can win! As usual, this contest is open to FOLLOWERS of my blog. Not already a follower of Miles, Muscles & Mommyhood? Just click that FOLLOW button to the right side of the screen. Once you have done that, you can enter! Please leave an individual comment for each entry. MANDATORY: Visit Triathlon Rocks and take a look around their site. Tell me which tee shirt you would pick if you win this fabulous contest and why you picked that design. Additional ways to earn and entry: 1) Visit Triathlon Rocks on Facebook, like them and then leave a comment telling them that Jen from Miles, Muscles & Mommyhood sent you over. 2) Follow Triathlon Rocks and MilesMusclesMom (me) on Twitter! Tweet about this contest-you can make up your own tweet or send these out: I PEE ON MY BIKE #giveaway by @TriathlonRocks & @MilesMusclesMom http://tinyurl.com/trirocks 3) Tell me your best PEE story!! There may or may not be a bonus prize for the best one!! 4) Spread the word about this contest!! Share on Facebook, your blog, email your friends, write it on the wall of the gym, hand out pamphlets at your next race, etc. +1 entry for each way you share the Triathlon Rocks love. |
Here is Lola's video debut to celebrate Triathlon Rocks!!
I will accept entries for this contest until June 11th at midnight.
From the eligible entries, one random winner will be selected and announced shortly after that.
Disclaimer: I purchased my tee shirts from Triathlon Rocks with a generous discount provided by the company. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and at no time was I asked for a positive review in exchange for the discount.
I like I pee on my bike and also the age is just a number on my calf on race day! Too CUTE!
I liked on FB!
I follow both on twitter.
I got sprayed pretty good by someone at a race a few years ago. We were going fast and I could feel myself getting sprayed all over and tried to figure out if the girl in front of me was doing something with her water bottle or WHAT! Shortly after, I realized I was being peed on and I immediately backed off to give her some room. Nothing like being covered in SOMEONE ELSE'S PEE!
My own? I'm fine with :D
I liked them on FB and told them you sent me.
Follow you both on the Twitter and also Tweeted both out.
Destination Kona....I LAVA this sport is the shirt I would get since I am buying my own Pee shirt after I leave these comments.
My best PEE story? I'll give you two:
1- At 70.3 IMCA I am riding with a guy and we are going about 24 mph on the first half of the ride. This guy flies by us and we laugh b/c he will burn out. All the sudden the guy pulls to the left and I ask if he is ok and he says yes but there is a porto up there. I then tell him to forget that and just pee while riding and he gives me this look of 'WTF?' Well he stopped and I kept right on going and about 5 minutes later the GOLDEN WARRIOR flexed his muscles and let 'er fly.
2- This week I was to go on a run off the bike. I rode the trainer and then stood outside my house waiting for my watch to find the satellite. Right then I felt like I had to pee but was not willing to go back inside the house and risk losing the satellite again. While standing there I just started peeing on myself. Then bam satellite found and off on the run I go.
Jen, you did such an awesome job! We could not wish for any better article! And Lola is just simply the greatest! I burst out laughing while playing the video!! Thank you again! And yes keep those entries coming!!!
I love the pee on my bike one, and the age is just a number on my calf one would be runner up
I follow both on twitter and tweeted!
Like them on FB and left a comment!
Linked on my sidebar!
Best Pee story - It's actually a pee and poop story. I was running my usual morning run with my crew when I knew I couldn't go any further. To avoid a skirtastrophe, I literally hung from a tree, think monkey with hands and feet around a branch and did my business. Total success, both me and the skirt were able to finish the run.
1. I now follow them on facebook!
2. I would LOVE the Florida Triathlete tee. I'm a proud Florida girl. But the pee one is awesome too!
3. Ugh, best pee story? Well, I may or may not have pee'd during the run portion of one of my tri's....LOL! Sh! I didn't even put that on my own blog.
As a master's girl, I love the age t-shirt!
I have peed on the bike many, many times. When I did an IM I swore I would take the time to get off and peed. I did, once. After that, it was just so much faster to keep going and peeing!
Posting on my blog
I like the triathlon training Tee
posting to my blog
Great shirts!! I like the "pee" one and the "age" one!
I'm a follower!
I would pick the KONA shirt
I want the Pee on my bike shirt ever since I saw Colleen wear it.
I like them on FB
I follow you both on Twitter
My pee story is on the run, not the bike. BUT during my HIM last year I peed myself multiple times on the run, I was proud of it! But also I timed it with this one station that had BIG water glasses - think keg cups. So I could rinse. I was smiling and waving to people and peeing. It was awesome.
I like the I pee on my bike shirt and the Age is just a number on my calf (that takes days to wash off!) shirts!
I already follow you on Twitter!
I am now following Triathlon Rocks on Twitter!
Follow both on twitter and put up both of your posts!
I would love the "it's not a matter of life or death" shirt....that one rocks! The "age on the calf" one is cute too.
I liked on FB
No pee story---yet! But I am prepared to pee during my half marathon next week if I have to. I am thisclose to breaking the 2:30 barrier and will not stop to pee if I need to.
Not a race pee story but...was planning the tri club end of season lobsterbake and was trying to figure out best place for it. When we found place I told Chris we couldnt do it there because there were no facilities...He just looked at me and said "your a triathlete...why do you need a facility!" Point taken!
Jen, I want in on this one! Would love the I pee on my bike shirt. I follow them on twitter, but will also like on Facebook.
I'm a follower and if I won, I think I'd have to get the "age is just a number" shirt!
I already like them on FB
And of course I follow you both on FB and Twitter! :)
Am I the one that started all of this? Really? :) That should be enough of my peeing on the bike story. Better yet, I wore the shirt at Rev3 Knoxville and people were literally taking pictures of it as I was walking in front of them. People would say really loudly "great shirt" and then whisper "do you really do that". HA!
You GOTTA go for the "I pee on the bike" shirt. Because I finally mastered it last year.
2: I became a fan on facebook and told them that you sent me.
3) Following you both on twitter and tweeted a link to the contest.
4) My best pee story.
I've never had to pee on the swim before, but at Cedar point I had to go and thought "what the hell, maybe I'll see if I can let it go before I get into T1 and the portopotties...." And it worked?! Who knew? It was actually easier going while swimming than biking.
It was the first time I peed in my wetsuit when I wasn't standing waiting for the gun to go off and trying to stay warm.
I must have the AGE shirt since I'm about to age up to Master's next year. Sigh.
Liked on FB - and left a comment
Follow both on twitter
Pee story: I have to admit, I don't pee on my bike, or even while I'm running. My pee / poo story is actually about my daughter. I was IM training and kiddos were out for the summer so I had to fit training in whenever I could. I took the kids to their school playground and ran circles around the school yard while they played. Daughter (age 9 at the time) came to me and said she had to GO (you know with kids that means #2) I only had a mile to go and it was a 1/2 mile walk home, so I made her GO in the woods outside her school. Three words: saving for therapy.
I agree with Julie - I like Age is just a number on my calf. Thanks for doing this giveaway.
i just started following you!
i liked Triathlon rocks on fb and said ya sent me
I've never peed while working out (at least not on purpose...hello, mommy bladder of 2! ha!). I've been reading some very interesting stories on these blogs but i don't think i could "go" on a bike, while running...MAYBE during a swim, but public peeing is hard! ha! My experience is as a kid while camping and i managed to go downhill so it ran onto my feet..not good.
I love the triathlon training shirt!
I now follow your blog and I love it! I have peed during a race more than once, I love the pee on my bike shirt! When you tell people who aren't runners you have peed during a race, you definitely creep them out a little bit!
I'd get the Triathlon Training - ladies - http://www.triathlonrocks.com/shop-now.html?page=shop.product_details&flypage=yagendoo_VaMazing_1.tpl&product_id=4&category_id=1
blogged it - http://dailyvitaminf.blogspot.com/2011/05/total-giveaway-tuesday-16.html
I don't really have a great pee story - how can you have a great pee story?!! When I was prego I often let a little go when I ran, sneezed, coughed, etc. It sucked
I love the pee on my bike shirt and the age group one. I don't have a pee story (yet) and I love the fact that I'm going to do my first tri at the ripe old age of 42
I like them on FB and wrote on their wall
I follow you both on twitter
I tweeted (tracyrunning)
I linked this on my blog
I like the I pee on my bike shirt (and not just because it will embarrass my kids ;)
I'd like the "Age...it's just the number on my calf on race day" tee because age is all in your mind! Thanks!
I like the peace & love except on race day tee!
I'd like the "Age...it's just the number on my calf on race day" tee because I aged up this year to 40-44 and I'm racing my first ironman distance triathlon two days after my 40th birthday. It is my birthday present to myself!!!
I tweeted too! And posted on my facebook page!
I like the Triathlon Training life or death one. Age shirt is cool too.
FYI, new follower - found you via CookTrainEatRace. Speaking of CTER, Jason's pee story #2 has to get the bonus prize for the pure shamelessness of it.
I like the I PEE shirt and would get that one!
I am a long time follower
I been to the site numerous times, I want the Pee on the bike shirt, I earned it
I already follow you on twitter
Also follow triathlon rocks on twitter
I'd have to pick the I Pee On My Bike. It's awesome.
I like Triathlon Rocks on Facebook and let the know you sent me.
I follow you and Triathlon Rocks on Twitter ~ windyrunner
I tweeted!!!
I have the worst nervous bladder and it has caused many an issue over the years. Even in instances I'm not running and before I had kids. I had a couple incidents when I was in track before races. Luckily, I always was wearing black and no one knew.
I posted the giveaway on my blog.
I sent out an email to all of my friends with the title "I Pee On My Bike." Love it!!!
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