I am so happy to see this run course. Check out this thing of beauty:

I am so happy to see this run course. Check out this thing of beauty:
The course if an out and back course, which I love.
This may not appear terribly flat, but it is a gentle, consistent climb for the first 2 miles or so-and as you can see, it is only a gain of 80 feet or so of elevation. Then you get to cruise down this nice little decline and head out onto the trails.
This is the first road you will travel from T2 (Milliken Street) and as you can see, this is pretty dang flat. A good time to get those legs moving and ready to GO GO GO. The picture shows the view from Walnut Street, where you will turn left.
Lots of big trees line the running route so think "shade". Beautiful huh?
As you can see, this road will start the slow, slight incline on Portland Road.
More shaded, tree-lined, flattish streets.
This is really the biggest incline you will face on the run!
After you conquer that roller, you will head left again onto Millikin Mills road for a short stretch and then you will hit up the gravel paths of the Eastern Trail.
You will pass this little pond on your way to the trail.
How picturesque!
You many even want to stop for quick swim (or not).
On the start of the Eastern Trail.
The soft surface of the trail will certainly help those tired legs.
It is nice and smooth here too so nothing to slow you down!
The trail does wind through nature and the woods and on this particular day, it was very humid and very hot. This brought out a lot of the deer flies (which is a biting fly). It feels like a mosquito bite (a mosquito on steroids) and they are tenacious little buggers.
My opinion? They just make you run faster
You will hit the turn-around on the trail and head back the way you came. Those little inclines you went up on the way are now declines to fly down for a super fast finish!!
And you have made it! BOOM-
Showing off the 12 bug bites of my back, which made me run even faster!
All in all, Rev3 had done an amazing job putting together an excellent course!
It is beautiful, challenging, spectator friendly and the community is so excited to have Rev3 in Old Orchard Beach. I can guarantee TONS of crowd support.
After the race, cool off with a dip in the ocean, ride the roller coaster, enjoy the lobster bake and enjoy that PR!
You have an AMZING body! Not only does it LOOK great, but it does things for you that I can never fathom doing! Impressive!
Nice! For some reason - when I'm on a tail I don't feel like I'm running! Great post!
I ran part of the ET last Sunday and got attacked by those nasty little buggers too! Hate them!
Looks like a beautiful and fast run course!
thanx for sharing! ugh now i want to go to maine
Great preview! Hoping to put this race on the agenda for next year. Very bummed that I cannot make it this year.
omg love the tank top bra combo sooo cute! looking amazing there my friend!
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