Finally, some miles! I got in a long(ish)/long(er) run on Saturday--just 10.3 miles but it's better than the shorter runs that I have been logging since the 1/2 marathon. Now it is time to rebuild that base and work up to 16/18 mile long runs again.
The 10-miler on Saturday felt good-really good-I went out easy and just enjoyed the beautiful (cold) morning along one of my favorite beach routes, so serene, quiet and peaceful. I was even greeted by a bushy tailed red fox! Anyway, negative splits and the last mile I felt so good I was able to just GO! I switched from music on the iPod to listening to a podcast. I think that this change really helped me to keep the pace slow to start. Some days I am just so dang happy to be out running, I'll have some high energy tunes blaring and I am go out too fast.
I felt fabulous on Sunday. No discomfort. Nothing!
So running 5 days, getting in a "long run" and some speed work this week is making me happy!
I got in 5 days of running-3/6/6/3/10 miles
two days on the bike (short rides) 9.5/5 miles
Lola did her share of cheering yelling RUN RUN!!
I am just in awe at the pace that these runners can hold for 26.2, especially the men. I cannot sprint at a 4:26 so to see them pulling out this pace at mile 18/20/24 etc is just unbelievable. I never had an appreciation for this until I started running myself. My favorite men's runner, Meb, finished 6th.Retired NFL'er Amani Toomer ran the ING NYC Marathon starting dead-last and earning $1.00 for each runner he passed. Timex would donate those dollars to New York Road Runners Youth Programs. Toomer finished with a respectable 4:13 finish and estimates he passed about 20,000 runners.
Photo By Lisa Coniglio/Photo Run
**I did not get in my run on Sunday which was World Run Day but more on that in the Mommyhood!!
I had limited time in the gym this week so I had to make the workouts effective. As I mentioned in a previous post, I got my Tabata groove on and it did it's magic on my legs. I love me some DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and I like knowing I worked hard enough.
I am still having a bit of discomfort with my left shoulder so I took it easy once again with my weights this week, keeping it light.
I dropped about 4lbs this past week and I can definitely feel/see a difference. My veins are popping in my arms a bit more (yes, I am totally into vascularity!!) and my arm appear leaner to me. I can also tell in the tummy area too. So I am going to continue cleaning up the nutrition, getting in some intervals and long runs and hitting the IRON.
I love my daughter with all my heart. She is my joy and makes me laugh every single day.
Sunday, not so much laughing going on.
I had been planning on attending a Total Immersion swim clinic for 2 weeks and this was something I was really looking forward to doing. I need to learn SO much about swimming. Well...come Sunday morning I am literally up at 3:30 am because of the time change. I opt to get laundry done and clean out Lola's closets of outgrown clothes vs. running or working out since I am going to be in the pool for 1 1/2 hours later that morning.
Lola gets up and she is the velcro-kid and won't give me a moment to myself. Anytime I go down to the laundry room it triggers a full blown crying fit! Then we head out as a family to do yard work and she turns into a wild animal. Really...all over the place and very defiant. Before long she is soaking wet from rolling in damp leaves so we head inside. More defiance. Before I know it, I should be leaving for the swim clinic and family life if just not letting me get away. So I continued on with the project in Lola's room and harboring some resentment that I am missing this clinic but looking forward to my run later. After all it is WORLD RUN DAY and I have to run right?? WRONG> let's just say things don't ever go as planned and the highlight of my day was watching the marathon.
Of course my friend, Dawn just had to call me later in the day and tell me how AMAZING the clinic was and how USEFUL this would have been for my horrible swimming skills (ok, so she did not say THAT but...) So yeah, I was feeling a upset yesterday about missing the swim. And then I felt even more upset for feeling upset--I thought it was really selfish of me to feel that way when obviously Lola was having a day. I got over it though. Oh yeah, did I mention Dawn is totally going to help clue me in as to what I missed? Also, she told me that Joel Friel is coming to Maine and doing a lecture in December so I am TOTALLY going to that!
Don't forget to check THIS out for a chance to win a pair of YURBUDS. Contest ends 11/11
- Nice Run
- I was amazed how fast they were going too, wow is all I can say, and to think, the top women pros are running sub 3 in Kona after the swim and bike
- I was rooting for Shalane too
- Friel, he talks alot about the science, its interesting, but might be very confusing
My children are one of the primary reasons I get my workout in while the family sleeps! Plus, I like the quiet time.
Kovas-oh i love early workouts too but when hubby is home i 'should' be able to get out of the house!!! LOL
BDD-im a total science nerd so might be right up my ally :D
Awesome job on the over 10. Love it!
YAY SHALANE!! In my next life I've chosen to be her! I'll see how she feels about that later.
Emz-thanks :)
Ahhhh, next life?? I totally thought it WAS YOU until I realized a)her abs weren't as ripped as yours b)she was not wearing the buckle
Great job on the run!! I didn't watch any of the marathon but am kind of disappointed I missed it.
There will always be another swim clinic you can attend, even if you have to wait a few months!
American and non Kenyan second.... I was impressed.
The book is the one I wrote "OneHourIronmen" available on Ebay. Type in Onehourironmen at the ebay site and it pops up. Basically how to do an IM on less than one hour per day average training. It has worked seven times and counting.
great job on the 10 miler!!! and yeah i totally hear ya about the mommyhood part!!!!
Yay for your running going well! :)
I'm sorry you missed your swim clinic. Hopefully you'll get to go to the next one!
Bummer about missing your clinic, but I totally know how you feel! Thanks for stopping by my blog~ look forward to following along!
Hi! So I emailed my contact about the giveaway to try to figure out another way to enter! I will let you know what they say...
Congrats on your 10-miler!
Im in awww too at watching these amazing runners!! yay to mommyhood!!!
Nice job on your run! Bummer about missing the swim clinic. At least you can swim....I dog paddle:)
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