Moving right along.
This past weekend of training was super awesome fun fantastic. We got hammered with a snow storm on Thursday so hubby had a long weekend at home. That always makes things easy...and just when I was getting ready to put my road tires on the bike! Anyway, long ride Thursday and a long pull set on Friday. I felt so strong during the swim and bam! Sunday morning my lats were saying HELLO!!!
Long bike/short run on Saturday. My Adamo needs some fit tweaks since it is causing me some minor knee irritation on longer rides. Long run on Sunday with some higher heart rate stuff at the end. I LOVED THAT and I was happy with how things went. I ran with my training-partner, Marc and he had a great run too. We ran into my BFF Dawn and her hubby while we were out so that was a fun distraction.
This weekend is the Kerrymen Pub 5k and as I mentioned HERE, I have a pretty aggressive time goal for myself. I'll be honest, I am usually pretty laid back when it comes to 5k's but I am a little nervous for this one. The majority of my running since December has all lower heart rate base-building stuff with a little bit of higher HR and speed thrown in there. I know that I am totally capable and I will have to shut off my head when it hurts! So sub-22...go, legs, go!
At least in straight up road-racing you can use an iPod so I will happily be blaring Eminem to drown out the sounds of my breathing!
And speaking of running, if you don't know by now that the Rev 3 Team is running across America to raise money for Ulman Cancer Fund, may be living under a rock. Many of my awesome team mates are doing giveaways and promos to raise money for UCF.
Laura is doing this
and it has three really amazing prizes from Powerbar, SBR Sports, Inc., SPIbelt and 1BandID
I am doing this
lots and lots of goodies
Heather is doing this
Beautiful girl NOT INCLUDED in the giveaway!!
Good luck to all of you Jen! I'm going to donate-promise I haven't forgotten!
All the best with your 5k Jen! Run fast and hurt later...or better yet not at all. :)
Way to lay the goal out there. Now chase that sucker down.
Love the new look!!! Have an awesome race this weekend!
have a great 5K Jen, I'm liking the new blog format!
I haven't forgotten about your fundraising either - will get you something soon.
Woot! Thanks for the shout out! Hope you crush your 5k this weekend!
Go Go Go!! I can't wait to hear about your 5K! I love the text font on your blog!
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