Last Sunday I ran the Kerrymen Pub 5k race and PR'd by 20 seconds at the 5k distance but decided that I was not happy with that because it was not the time I wanted.
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Running to the finish in my Rev 3 gear |
WAAAHHH! What did I have for breakfast that day, Spoiled Brat protein shake?
Needless to say, I was scolded by my close friends and Coach Awesome for having such a PPA (piss poor attitude) about it and they are right, of course.
Hey, I finished 126th overall out of nearly 1,000 runners (981) and 6th in my AG.
I was happy, yet frustrated.
I was SUPER EXCITED to be testing out a Quintana Roo cd0.1 for a few days and could not wait to log some serious miles on that beautiful bike but I was sad that I was not able to really ride it over last weekend...I mean REALLY ride. I only got out for about an hour and half (cold!) and some trainer time. I was looking forward to spending a lot of hours biking and when my training plan for the week was revealed, I was looking forward to the weekend!
I was excited, yet disappointed.
I had an awesome swim early in the week and got my 1650TT under 30 minutes (29:04!) WOOT! This is a big improvement for me. I started the week with a little nagging shoulder pain and I just kind of swam thru it on Tuesday but towards the end of the swim, I could tell there was some fatigue and bit of a niggle there. I keep track of the 500 splits to report back to Coach Awesome and last 150 yds showed significant slowing. Now, I will say that having not met my time goal at the 5k was in the back of my mind and I really wanted to get this TT under 30 mins! Done & Happy.Coach then gave me some fast 100's to bang out and I was holding on to get those done! (I hate not being able to execute a workout as she writes it--drives me BANANAS!!). I was able to get all the 100's on the times she gave me with the exception of 1 or 2 but, it was a great swim.
I was proud of my effort, yet cautious.
Midweek presented a track workout. I like track workouts-I am able to hyper-focus on what I have to do and execute. No worries about potholes, cars or anything else to distract me. Round and round and round. The Rx'd run of the day normally would have been one that I could bang out (1000 meter repeats at <7mm) but this day I struggled. I failed to get ONE repeat at the target pace and normally I would let this frustrate me in ways I cannot even explain but this day I chalked up to mental training. Dig a little deeper. Remember why you do this. Suck it up Cupcake. run run run. It may not have been a stellar run but it taught me a little bit about my mind and the mental part of training.
I was pleased, but not satisfied.
Lucky to have THIS as my view every day |
The weekend help promises of beautiful weather and long miles outside so I begged the guys at Kennebunkport Bicycle to keep PinkiePie a few days longer (yes, I already named her and yes, I am in love). I wanted to get more miles OUTSIDE!!
They were nice enough to let me keep her the rest of the week and plans were made to ride and run in the sun!! I can't say enough about how nice Brandon and Alex have been. They are even doing some work on Tiger while I have PinkiePie. (Tiger who?? lol)
Friday's swim was a fail-too much discomfort-and I decided to look at the bigger picture and call it day short rather than push myself and end up NOT swimming for a week or more. I needed to be smart and not let a failed workout put me into a bad place.
I was worried, but optimistic.
The weekend held too much awesome!! Long run on Saturday in cold, wet weather on some rollers out in the country. I stuck with Coach Awesome's plan to the letter but I could have SMASHED my half mary time but a lot of minutes and on hills to boot! Then later in the day I got out to ride in the SUNSHINE.
I was exhilarated and stoked!
Saturday Pre-Run and Pre-Dawn! Ready to rock those hillz... |
Sunday was a 4 hour tour on PinkiePie--we rode the Coastline (cold winds!) and then headed inland and it got nice and warm!
Yes, shorts! |
I got to strip down to my short sleeved jersey. Many miles and many towns...I was grinning ear to ear and just soooo happy. I just love cycling and I loved riding that bike! I had a short run off the bike and while I felt I was crawling, I was just under the target time that Coach gave me. Executed and I felt FANTASTIC!
I was feeling strong and happy.
More awesome view of the "pool" |
It was a week of lots of ups and downs, but mostly ups and lots of smiles!
"How are you getting your good feelings?" Ummmm by staying pretty! DUH! There's no hatin on stayin pretty! That's just how I roll!
Is that a "mock up" of the QR you are getting? It doesn't look pink in the picture!!!
Sheesh, you are a flipping beast this year! Listen to your body, I found in the past the harder I pushed w/ high intensity workouts the more "nagging" pains I would get. It gets difficult to discern what is a nagging pain and what is an injury too. Be smart. I get the whole hitting the workout goals and what not but 1 day saves 3 days, and 3 days saves 3 weeks :)
Keep up the awesome work. When I am done hogging this 80 degree and sunny weather, I promise I will send it your way ;)
So it looks like winter is officially over up there in the North lands? I would smile too!
Be careful and don't hurt yourself now that you can spend all your time outside..
You are on FIRE, Lady!!!! You made me realize my training is quite pale in comparison. I'm not quite into the groove yet...
Killer weekend, girl!
So happy that you are feeling great in training. I've learned there are always going to be ups and downs, just how it is, becoming better at handling the downs make the ups come much quicker!
Seems you got that down. ;)
Congrats on the PR Jen! You had a fantastic week for sure!
Sounds like you had a pretty awesome week of workouts! What a beautiful area to ride too - might be a little jealous :)
Definitely lots of ups and downs. Just don't let the downs get you too much, you're doing great!!! This week for me was trying to work out while sick and having my husband ask me to take some time off. Which I did and ended up getting healthier. So...I'm back to it this week and hoping to get in a 2nd workout today. Time will tell!
I don't get all of this new lingo I'm running across on your blog! I feel like such a newb! You'll have to post a glossary for me! Please!
Somehow I missed that you were from Maine. It is definitely my happy place to go to. I am looking at a half this summer there.
I have a question for you and if you already answered it I apologize.
Wetsuit........full sleeved or sleeveless? I need the buoyancy but wonder if the arms will restrict my movement too much. I am a beginning swimmer without a lot of speed or confidence (although I am working on both.)
Great job on a 5k PR! I am getting my good feelings from this spring weather, the warm stuff anyway, I think it is supposed to snow again soon. Boo
Way to re-group and re-focus. I know how tough it can be to not do exactly what it is what you want...I suppose that's the difference between being happy and being satisfied: you can be happy with what you did, but not be satisfied with it. You may want more to go get it. It's that reflection that is key: knowing how each piece in the puzzle will get you to what you want.
To ajh: full-sleeve, all the way. The only way that a full-sleeve restricts movement is if the suit does not fit properly.
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