Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lil' Miss GU Getter (giveaway!)

What a great week and a half it has been--training has been going really well and I am enjoying myself immensely. I love that dog tired feeling at the end of a good workout but I also love feeling like I had hours left in me too!
Sunday's 10 mile run was a little off the training plan-it was supposed to be 10 miles pacing at 9:00 minute miles but I left the house a little annoyed with my darling husband and the first two miles were 8:20's. I felt good so I just kept going in the mid-8 pace range. The sun was shining, I was running along the beach and it was Easter Sunday.
Really, really good. I shed my shirt around mile 4 and ran in just my tank. At the turn around, I sucked down a GU Roctane (pineapple...yum!) some water and headed back. The wind was ripping off the ocean and slowed me down a bit for a couple miles (9:02 and 9:08) but I finished the run with an average pace of 8:40 and then did 2 hours of yard work and then did a ton of Spring cleaning, including washing the kitchen floor on my hands and knees! (yes, it needed a GOOD scrubbin')
I was Little-Miss-GO-Getter this weekend.
Must of been the GU Roctane~

Last year when I started racking up the miles on the road, I discovered just how important nutrition and hydration can be. Those extra calories can really make a difference on how long you can go and how you feel while going. GU gels were the first product I tried and it remains my go-to gel when I am out running, biking and tri-ing. When Scott from Outside PR sent me a big sampler of GU products to review, I was more than happy to be the guinea pig,  I had been wanting to try the Chomps and Roctane for quite a while!

The first GU product on my TO DO list was the GU Roctane. I waited to try this one before a long ride on the trainer and chose to try the Cherry Lime flavor first. Loved it! This is certainly my favorite of all the GU flavors. The perfect combo of sweet and tart. The Roctane did not dissapoint either--they don't call it GU  Roctane Ultra Endurance Energy Gel for nothing!

How is Roctane different than the "regular" GU Gel?
From the GU Energy Labs website:
We start with original GU's superior mix of complex and simple carbohydrates that provide quick and sustained energy, electrolytes for replenishment and caffeine to tap more power and diminish pain. Fundamentally, Roctane is GU, just with more of the stuff that makes original GU so effective (histidine, branched chain amino acids, citrates) plus OKG, an added amino acid complex that lessens damage to muscle tissue during hard training or racing and speeds recovery. You can use GU and Roctane somewhat interchangeably, but Roctane is specifically formulated for your most intense training and racing. The higher concentrations of these key ingredients give you more of what your body needs when you need it most.

The next up on the list was the GU Chomps. Chomps are little gummies which deliver a blend of carbohydrates, amino acids, antioxidants and electrolytes in a chewable form.

The first Chomps I tried were the Cranberry Apple ones--on a cold, rainy 2 hour bike ride. My first impression of the Chomps was less than desirable. They were hard to chew, hard to get out of my teeth and hard to get down. I could not imagine having to choke these down on race day.
The second time I tried them was just this weekend on another 2 hour bike ride--but this time it was warm and sunny. I had packed the Orange flavor into my cycling vest and this time it was a totally different experience. They were soft and easy to get down. They were also quite yummy and reminded me of the little candy orange slices I would eat as a kid.
Temperature certainly made a big difference on the Chomps experience. The cold definitely affected the texture of them so I will make sure that it is not 30 degrees out next time I bring these along.

The newest member of the GU Family is the GU Brew Electrolyte Tablets. Proper hydration is so important. Not only DURING training but BEFORE and AFTER!!

OPTIMAL HYDRATION takes place in the days and weeks before an event or after a hard workout. Use GU Brew Electrolyte Tablets whenever, wherever, and you'll see a boost in preparation, sustenance, as well as recover.

I started using the GU Brew Electrolyte Tablets during cycling classes with Charles on Tuesday's which is always a guaranteed sweat-fest. I also started having these whenever I felt "thirsty". It is is a little tablet you just toss into your water bottle and it provides all the electrolytes you need with a just a little bit of fizz and a light flavor. At only 10 calories and 1 gram of carb, I don't have to worry about adding a ton of calories to my day. I just love the Peach Tea and I see these tabs being a big part of my training life, especially come this summer when the heat and humidity hit. Oh, and my training volume goes UP as well!!

Rarely are there times when I don't feel like eating food after a workout but some days I just want FLUIDS, like a protein shake or recovery drink! This is where I add in the GU Brew Recovery. Just mix this package with 16-24 oz of water, SHAKE WELL and drink. Make sure to shake really well-the first time I used the Recovery formula, I did not shake it very well and it was kind of clumpy. I was so dang ready for it though, I drank it down--chunks and all. I enjoyed both flavors equally-Orange Pineapple and Strawberry Watermelon. Recovery will deliver 250 calories, 52 grams of carb and 8 grams of protein per serving.

The premium quality ingredients in GU Recovery Brew help you quickly replenish energy stores and rebuild muscles after an intense workout. You’ll notice a difference when you compare us to the competition.

Protein: GU Recovery Brew relies on whey protein isolate -- not cheaper whey protein concentrate -- to create a higher quality and more effective product.

Amino Acids: Arginine and Glutamine promote recovery by mitigating the effects of intense training and supporting a strong immune system.

Carbs: Both simple and complex carbs (and lots of ‘em!) in optimal balance will re-fuel your competitive fire and get you back to training and racing on schedule.

Vitamins: Over 100% of daily allowances of vitamins C and E in every serving. Your free radicals will hate us!

All in all I am very pleased with all of the GU products I got to try out and I will continue to use GU Energy Labs as my "go to" source for fuel while training and racing.

Here is YOUR chance to win your very own GU Energy Labs Sampler!!

As usual, this giveaway is open to followers of Miles, Muscles & Mommyhood.
Please leave a separate comment for each entry.

1) MANDATORY ENTRY: Answer at least ONE of the following questions. Yes, you may answer all three and earn an entry for each answer:
a) what GU product do you want to try most & why?
b) what is your favorite GU flavor/product?
c) tell me about a time you wish you had GU!

2) Like GU Energy Labs on Facebook and tell them Jen from Miles, Muscles & Mommyhood sent you. Tell them what GU product you want to try next!

3) Follow GU Energy Labs on Twitter and follow ME on Twitter. Tweet about this contest and be sure to include @MilesMusclesMom and @GUEnergyLabs in your tweet.

4) Did you enter my Tommie Copper giveaway? If you did, you earned yourself an extra entry!

5) What year did GU Energy Gels launch? Answer correctly and get an additional entry!

6) Guess my finish time for my next Sprint Triathlon-The Polarbear Tri on May 7th.
It is a 525 yard swim, an 11 mile bike and a 5k partial trail run.
The closest guess to my actual finish time will win a BONUS prize from me!!

That is 8 ways to earn an entry into this exciting giveaway!!

I will accept entries until Saturday, May 7th at Midnight. I will select a winner at random from all eligible entries in one of the usual ways (random.org, Lola picking names from a hat, asking someone to pick a number, etc.)

Disclaimer: The GU Energy Labs products were sent to me to review and I was not compensated for my opinion or asked to give a positive review in exchange for all this GU. All views expressed here are my own.


Penny said...

fINISH Tri= Polarbear in 2 hrs

Penny said...

I really want to try the Roctane havent bought any yet b/c it cost more. So just keep using GU.

Penny said...

I love the GU gel and the chomps are awesome

Penny said...

I wish I would of took a GU this morning before my workout. Really need some mojo to keep me going strong.

Penny said...

Already like Gu Lab on fb and left comment that you sent me.

Penny said...

Entered Tommie Copper giveaway already.

KovasP said...

Sounds like a great run Sunday!

Tricia said...

great job on the run! (no entry for me,thanks)

Unknown said...

I want to try the gu brew. always looking for a tasty electrolyte drink

mainely triathlon said...

Hi Jen I want to try GU Roctane!

Unknown said...

espresso love GU is my JAM!!!

Unknown said...

I liked them and told them you sent me

ltlindian said...

1. Gu roctane--I want to try the flavor you love!
2. sprint tri time--1:25 (Bobbi will be there again, her husband Greg is doing his first tri! :)
3. gels launched in 1991
4. I liked Gu on FB.

Unknown said...

i most want to try the GU Brew, I like the fact that its tablets and very portable. :)

Unknown said...

My favorite flavor of GU is the Chocolate Outrage GU, love it.

Unknown said...

a time i wish i had gu - during the malibu 1/2 marathon. i didnt bring any with me and i really needed it. mistake! I carry it with me on all runs over 10 miles now!

Unknown said...

i already "like" gu on facebook but i commented on the page that you sent me over. :)

Unknown said...

i already follow you and GU on twitter and I tweeted about it (@ewallerscott)

Unknown said...

GU launched in 1991 :)

Unknown said...

wild guess on the tri finish time: 1:09:33

Unknown said...

1a - i love me some chomps. Strawberry in particular
1b - overall my fav flavor is orange
1c - My first sprint i forgot all my nutrition (or snacks as i called them at the time)
2 - Your sprint time will be 1:22:30
3 - the gels launched in 1991
4 - I like GU on FB
5 - i entered the tommie copper contest
6 - I followed you on twitter

Katie said...

I love strawberry chomps!

Unknown said...

I love the Vanilla (safe flavor). But I have some GU Brew I need to try, in fact after your blog I want to try everything else......

Unknown said...

Gu launched in 1991.

Unknown said...

Tweeted away.....

Unknown said...

Sprint time 1:20

Teamarcia said...

I'd love to try the Cherry Lime GU!

Teamarcia said...

My current GU gave is blueberry/pom Roctane

Teamarcia said...

Your sprint tri will be done in 1:32

Teamarcia said...

I entered your TC giveaway!

Beth said...

My favorite GU is the Pineapple Roctane. It goes down so much smoother than the others!

Terry said...

I'd like to try the GU brew for post workouts

Terry said...

I haven't tried GU yet so I dont have a fav but the pineapple sounds yummy!

Stephanie Anne said...

I like the blueberry POM Gu chomps

Stephanie Anne said...

I already follow Gu on facebook

Kiley said...

I want to try their chomps. Im a fan of clif shot bloks and havent tried any of type of energy gummy/chew

Kiley said...

launched in 1991

Kiley said...

I entered your tommy copper giveaway already

StaceyL said...

Want to try the GU Roctane!

StaceyL said...

Wish I'd had a GU on the first outdoor ride this season! Definately felt the wall closing in on me sooner than I was ready for it to!

StaceyL said...

Liked GU on FB and posted you sent me!

StaceyL said...

Following you and GU on twitter. Tweeted the contest!

StaceyL said...

I entered your Tommie Copper giveaway!

StaceyL said...

GU launched in 1991

StaceyL said...

Kick some butt at PolarBear! I will guess a time of 1:12 but hopefully faster! Hope its a warm sunny day for you as well!

Courtney said...

The Gu Brew looks fun!

Leah F said...

I've been wanting to try the Cherry Lime Roctane for a while now.

Leah F said...

My favorite GU products are Pineapple Roctane and Strawberry Watermelon Recovery Brew.

Leah F said...

Last spring I did a 14 mile run and totally bonked. I was just dumb. I hadn't eaten well the night before and I stupidly didn't take any GU with me. I definitely could have used a GU then.

Leah F said...

I already like GU on facebook.

Leah F said...

Launched in 1991

Neil Richard said...

What GU product do you want to try most & why?

HAHAHA!!!! I've had just about every flavor easily available this past year or so and even had to create a spreadsheet to track them all. Chocolate Outrage though is my favorite since it tastes like brownie batter and even tastes good warm.

ozone3 said...

I've really been wanting to try the GU Brew. It get super hot/humid here (texas), so need to work on keeping electrolytes up.

ozone3 said...

Love the Chocolate Outrage GU!!

ozone3 said...

Liked GU Energy Labs on FB & commented.

ozone3 said...

Yep...entered the Tommie Copper Giveaway.

ozone3 said...

Launched in 1991. Wow...had no idea they had been around for 20 years!!

ozone3 said...

Sprint Triathlon Time: 1:14:25

Jason said...

I had been using GU for a long time to but have now moved to HoneyStinger....You should give them a try as well.

bfb said...

I;d really like to try the Gu Brews, since I'm never good at drinking electrolytes during a work out and I tend to think sports drinks are way to sweet

bfb said...

I've never actually tried a GU product, even though I've heard everyone ever blog about them, so I don't have a favorite flavor yet.

bfb said...

I wish I had a GU when I took my first long training bike ride... I had no idea about hydration/nutrition then and just rode for 3 hours without anything. I was wiped.

bfb said...

And I entered the Tommy Copper giveaway as well.

Sarah AJ said...

I'd like to try Gu Chomps.

Sarah AJ said...

Tri-Berry is my fallback GU, but I've recently discovered a love of Lemon Sublime also.

Sarah AJ said...

Following you and GU on twitter and tweeted the giveaway.

Sarah AJ said...

I had no idea GU has been around since 1991!

Unknown said...

i really want to try the roctane, and wish i had one on my ride yesterday!! ended up being a bit longer than expected and my legs were ready to give up :)

Unknown said...

following both of you on twitter, and tweeted! @tri2cook

Lucy said...

I want to try the GU Brew electrolyte tabs because I have seen them in the store and it would be good to try something other than gatorade and powerade.

Lucy said...

My favorite GU flavor is the Expresso Love. I was reluctant to try it but it was love at first try.

Lucy said...

I like GU on FB

Lucy said...

Follow both on twitter and tweeted it. @LucyATL

Lucy said...

GU launched in 1991

Lucy said...

My guess is that you will finish the Tri in 1:15

..:danielle:.. said...

heeeeere we go!
1. a) i want to try: GU electrolyte tablets cuz i know i dont properly hydrate (oh, what, beer doesnt hydrate you?!) and i felt pretty sick when i tried NUUN

..:danielle:.. said...

1. b) my favorite oh yummy i could eat you all day flavor is tri berry and/or espresso LOVE :)

..:danielle:.. said...

i liked GU on facebook and wrote on their wall :) (ps- you rock!! hehe bonus points?!)

..:danielle:.. said...

aaaaand i tweeted! :) mmmmmm gu

Erin said...

Liked GU Energy Labs on FB :)

Erin said...

I want the strawberry GU to try!

Erin said...

Gels Launched in 1991!

SquirrelHead said...

I want to try the GU Chomps because I like the idea of bite size energy on my bike ride or run.

SquirrelHead said...

I really like the Roctane Pineapple flavor.

SquirrelHead said...

I wished I had a GU during the run segment of my last triathlon. I realized that I had forgotten to grab it in transition and was feeling out of steam.

SquirrelHead said...

I liked and posted on GU's Facebook page

Keith Burgie said...

1a. GU Recovery Brew. I have an energy gel that I like but I’m never really sure what to put down after a hard workout. I like the calories, carbs and protein in this mix.

1b. I’ve never tried anything GU!

1c. The first time I cracked the 60 mile mark on a bike ride it was after leaving my house with no plan and no food on board. This was last fall and I really hadn’t worked up to the distance, I just decided to go for it around mile 50. Well, right around mile 58 I completely bonked. I had absolutely nothing left and the setting sun had left my previously sweaty feet completely frozen. I parked at a little market no more than a mile and a half from my house and hobbled inside. I’ve walked into stores with my helmet and cycling shoes on before and gotten weird looks, but the people inside actually looked at me with concern. I grabbed a king-sized Snickers bar and regular-sized Pepsi and asked for two plastic bags. Again, the cashier looked at me like he was considering calling an ambulance.

I clip-clopped out the door and stood just outside, mowing down the best Snickers bar I’ve ever eaten. I washed it down with the entire Pepsi and immediately felt a little bit better. Lastly, I sat down on the pavement, tied the two plastic bags around my feet and ripped two small holes for my cleats. My legs were so tight that I could barely reach my feet and I probably looked pretty funny trying to stand back up. I grabbed my bike, told it we could do this and waved goodbye to the cashier. I’m not sure what happened after that, I just know that I made it home and felt like I had a fever for the rest of the night. I think the ride knocked me out of commission for a few days.

5. 1991

6. 1:20:14

Unknown said...

I would like to try the Gu Brew tabs because I like nuun tabs and I am curious as to how these compare!

Unknown said...

I like the Mint Chocolate Gu

Unknown said...

On my last 6 miler I really wished I had brought a Gu...I thought it was short enough that I wouldn't need one and I wished I had one!

Unknown said...

Gu Launched in 2001

Unknown said...

I don't really know anything about tri times, etc..so I am guessing here at 1:16:45

runninglawyer said...

1) a) I definitely want to try the Rocktane, they had an awesome tropical flavour that sounded yummy, but Pineapple sounds just as good!

b) Favourite Gu flavour so far is Jet Blackberry - Yummy!!!

c) A time I wish I had Gu was about 15km into my first half marathon, and they changed the route last minute to where there was a huge gradual hill for about 2km from 14k to 16km and I totally died. Could have used the boost of a Gu gel to keep me going!

2) Liked GU Energy Labs on FB!

3) Am following you and GU Energy Labs on Twitter, and tweeted about the giveaway!

5) 1991

6) Finish time = 1:21:23

marc said...

finish time
1 hour 10 mins 24 seconds

marc said...

i want to try brew recovery!!

marc said...

gu came out in 1991