Can you believe it?
My first "race" of the season is in just a month, The Nor'Easter Reverse Tri. Eeek.
Speaking of races, I had a very strange dream last night. I was doing a fun tri at the local high school and after the swim and bike, the run was broken up into segments where you had to answer trivia questions or complete a task every 1/2 mile or so to continue on the race course. Well I did not have my running shoes and I did not want to run in my bike shoes so I went barefoot. And it hurt. A lot! I started skipping and running sideways--and at the same time, I was SO annoyed that I was losing time with a slow run. I was cursing but running anyway. I don't remember much more than that part but...How strange/hilarious is that??
I was sick for a few days early last week so it was not the week I was hoping for but-what can you do?
I ran 17 miles-sad. I'm celebrating 17 miles of running. My average weeks used to be 35-30 pre-injury.) I got out for my first run outside since I hurt my knee on Jan 2nd. 4.6 miles in the cold winter wind and it was glorious! I ran 4 times though and they were all pain free.
I biked 39 miles-again, nothing epic here. 3 rides with one being a brick.
I swam once, 1800 yards. It was a rough swim to start since I had been out of the water for about 2 weeks but after a bit I found my groove and felt good.
The end of the week also got me into the gym for a couple really good weight sessions!
This week will be much better!
My Monday indoor cycling class has been changed to Tuesday so I am definitely looking forward to that tomorrow. I think I am going to swim before or after class.I'd like to get at least 3 hour long swim sessions in this week so I don't lose all the ground I gained since the last TI class.
Did you enter my Tough Chik giveaway yet? Make sure you do--you can enter here.
Make sure you check out the Tough Chik blog too!
Here are great new foodie blogs I found last week that I think are worth sharing with you:
The Athlete's Plate-between the nut butter and burger recipes he's got up, I'm in a daze at what to make next. His egg salad with hummus was a winner and my lunch yesterday.
Healthy Exposures- this link will bring you right to Sweet Potato Waffles. I think I shorted out my laptop drooling on this recipe. But she has tons of other yummy things to drool over like Almond Joy Nut butter. Check it out!
Yes, the commonality there is nut butter. Both sites have some amazing recipes for making your own at home and I think I am going to give this a whirl. Considering the closest retailer of Justin's Nut Butter is 30 mins north, I think I need to try this out.
What are some of your favorite sites for healthy recipes??
What's on your agenda for this week?
happy monday to you! heres to a great week ahead for training!
and LOL about that dream!
I love Jason's site. And Healthy Exposures is a new one for me, but holy crap. Some great stuff there.
Funny about the dream, you are going to rock that race!
Yeah, I like Jason's Athlete's Plate Blog too. Plus, the dude can run.
My goal for this week is to crosstrain like it's my freaking job. And to prep for a little vacay next week! Can we say flip flops?
I'm heading to NH at the end of the week so I'm hoping to get all my workouts in before Friday!
Happy Monday to you too!
Hi there!
Food blogs: I like Cotter Crunch- she's vegan (I'm not), but she makes great dishes. I also like This Week for Dinner. She lists her weekly meals for the week, along w/great recipes.
Have a good week of training;-)
What an odd dream. I hope IMCA doesn't have trivia....that would not be right.
Thanks for the info on the new foodie blogger. Matt has a great site and inspires me all the time.
Hey! I'm doing that tri as well! Maybe I'll see you there! Well, I'm sure I'll see you there since there are only 17 women signed up (last I checked....) :) It will be my first one, I hope to not finish last. lol See you there!
nut butter! still haven't tried it!
have a great week!
I love almond butter, yum. I can't believe March is next week!! spring? maybe? : )
Yes, this week will be better training wise! We just can't control all of the "stuff" that gets in the way. I'm in recovery this week. :(
I don't want to be.
I love race dreams... mine are always so bizarre!
You still had a good week - don't get discouraged!
mmm, nut butter!!! Have you ever had almond butter parsnip fries? A blog I read, OhSheglows, has the recipe.'mazing!! February flew by, thank goodness - closer Spring :D
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