Thursday, February 7, 2013

Guest Post: Running Workouts for Moms

I started writing my blog as a way to let other people-especially new mothers-know that you can find health balancing both family and fitness! Some of my favorite memories of those "early days" of my journey to health and happiness were the miles on the road I logged with Lola in the the BOB Revolution jogging stroller

I was a little heavier back in the Spring of 2009...

Recently, I was contacted by Mathew Kyle from Altra asking to guest post on the blog and I was more than happy to host. Altra is one of the sponsors of my friend, James, aka The Iron Cowboy, who completed 30 Ironman distance races this past season, setting a world record

Running Workouts For Moms

Finding time to work out when you are a mother can be difficult. However, with a little ingenuity even the busiest mom can integrate a running routine into her day. By allocating time to run, moms get a chance to clear their minds and calm themselves while toning their bodies. 

If you haven't run for a long time, you may want to ease yourself into a routine. Ideally, you should try to work out every other day or at least three times per week. You need to workout at least twice a week to get yourself into a routine. If you want to work out more often, you should rotate running with a low impact exercise like yoga or Pilates. 

When starting your new regimen, you should begin slowly with a 10 to 20 minute walk. Then, you should add 60 seconds of running to your routine. You can rotate the running with walking, and as you get more comfortable, you can increase the amount of time spent running until you are running for the entire workout. By the time you have been working out eight weeks, you should be able to easily complete 30 minute workouts two to three times per week. During those 30 minutes, you should be able to jog at least 3 miles, and by this time, you will notice that your bum will probably look tighter and more toned than when you started your routine. 

The above workout is perfect for anyone who is new to running, and it is ideal for moms who want to get back into shape after having a baby. However, finding time to do these workouts can be hard when you have children who need you to cook them dinner, drive them to soccer, read to them, and take care of their every need. It can be difficult, but with a little creativity, you can find ways to jog with kids. 

If you have a baby, you can jog with him/her easily using a jogging stroller. If you schedule your workouts during their naps, they can sleep in the stroller as you run. As they get older, they can bring a bike, trike, or skateboard along, and you can run with them. In a pinch, you can allow your children to play at the local park or playground, and you can run around the perimeter of that area. That allows you to workout while still being able to see them. Similarly, you can also do your workouts while they are at soccer practice or other activities. If you cannot manage to run with your kids in tow, you may want to consider a treadmill or other exercise equipment that will allow you to workout indoors while they play. 

It may be difficult to find time to run, but it is worth it. Your body will look better. You will be happier, calmer, and a better mom. 

Golden Harper is a previous all American runner who founded Altra Zero Drop Footwear, a company run by passionate individuals committed to helping running enthusiasts achieve their dreams through biomechanically proper footwear. You can check the company's updates and their latest in their blog


Tomorrow I will be picking a winner for the Injinji socks--if you have not entered yet, you have until Midnight!!



You were really wearing a fat suit back then, right? That really isn't you...
It always pays to keep the old photos around I have found...


Frickin' Fabulous at 40 said...

I wish I knew the amount of miles I logged with my kids and those I babysat in strollers! It has to be up around a thousand, at least! Great for me and for them as well!