Monday, January 9, 2012

Awesome Stuff & A 400 Celebration Giveaway

Lots of awesome stuff from the weekend to share
Hillary tweeted me. How cool is THAT?

A couple weeks ago I won a super sweet Canari Pink*Star kit from Hillary Biscay.
I was actually spinning away on my trainer when I read her blog announcement that I had won and wow! was I super,duper psyched!!

This beautiful kit arrived over the weekend and I could not wait to try it out. Lucky for me, it fit perfect and Coach had a nice little 3 hour grind-n-climb session planned for me on Sunday giving me the perfect opportunity to try it out. Oh-my-comfortable bike shorts Batman!! Longer rides can beat up the old HooHa, especially when you add in copious amounts of sweat but these shorts were a dream.
Not sure if it was the total badassness that Hillary put in 'em
(hello, I've done 50 IM's, Leadman 250, Ultraman, etc.)
or that my booty had BISCAY writtin across it
or that Canari just makes a really comfy short

Don't know and don't care. What I do know is that I am on a mission to find more of these.

In other AWESOME news, Lola started swim lessons this weekend. 
She is already lapping me and putting out 1:30 100's. Yeah, she's awesome sauce.

Over the weekend, I finally hit the 400 followers mark. I have been promising a celebration when we hit that epic number so.....wanna win some cool stuff??

I have a SECRET AWESOME GOODIE BAG for the first giveaway-there will be several!!

The giveaway, as usual, is open to all followers of Miles, Muscles & Mommyhood.

Are you a new reader and you want in on the action? That's cool! Just click the FOLLOW tab on the right side of the screen and you're in. 

To be entered into this giveaway:

  • Leave a comment telling me what you would like to see MORE of on this blog!!
  • Leave a comment telling me something cool you liked!

Did you read my review on the Omron Heart Rate Monitor? If not, check it out!!


Big Daddy Diesel said...

I like your motivation posts

Wellness in ND said...

I love the pictures of Lola, keep them coming.

I would love more product reviews.

Emz said...

I freaking love everything.
I love Lola photos.
I love your happy nature.
I love your awesomeness.
I love how you balance mom + athlete + wife.

Tangy said...

I love seeing what you're up to and I love pictures!

Sweet and Savory by Sarah said...

I just like posts in general. I love it when people can keep them coming regularly.

Jamie said...

I LOOOOOOOOOVE Canari shorts. It isn't normal how happy I get after putting some chamois cream on and sliding into a pair of those. I ripped an old pair and almost cried. Very sad on all accounts.

My favorites - when you talk about how far you've come. There are tons of fit bloggers out there, but I love your whole story.

You are the ultimate biggest loser. And you did it without a $250,000 carrot dangling in front of your face. You just needed a little kiddo named Lola.

Emily K said...

Are ponies eligible? Hope so! I can't wait to hear more about your GoSonja training as the season picks up. You are going to amaze even yourself!

misszippy said...

I follow and love how you balance out your posts between training and family ('cause Lola deserves some ink!).

My son is 10 and does year-round swimming. He can now kick my ass in the pool at all strokes. Humbling!

TriMOEngr said...

I love the way you get pictures and stuff from famous athletes! How cool is that!?!! Love the motivation, the pics, etc. Looking forward to reading about all your 2012 adventures.

Unknown said...

Congrats on 400 girl!!

I love everything you write about - being a mom, getting stronger, being motivated and motivating others. You are awesome.

You know I still love your most recent IM trilogy of posts as my fav race recap of all time.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower!

ltlindian said...

I love how you are so psyched about everything! even quinoa. :)

Running With The Girls said...

I would love for you just to continue doing what you're doing. It's obviously working!

Rene' said...

I love your reflections posts. How you talk about where you have come from. You are so motivating!

Katy said...

Love the product reviews! And Lola pictures are pretty awesome too!

Laura said...

Hi Jen!

I, for one, love your diet and nutrition advice. I would love to hear more about what you eat, etc. I am a TERRIBLE eater, but lucky enough to be able to keep it in check to a point with IM training. I'd love to drop a few and would love recipes and ideas!

Unknown said...

I LOVE reading blogs by Maine Blogging women!

Karen said...

Following! I want to find out where I can get some super comfy bike shorts like those :)


Isn't that the beauty of our sport? How accessible the pros are.. I love it!!

~K~ said...

love seeing what's going on with ya! runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

czechchick15 said...

Mmmmm ... how old is Lola that she is swimming 1:30/100 yards? I would do almost anything to get to that speed.:) Sooo should have started swimming when I was young! I love following fellow triathletes and your the journey of awesomeness! Keep on blogging please!

czechchick15 said...

Mmmmm ... how old is Lola that she is swimming 1:30/100 yards? I would do almost anything to get to that speed.:) Sooo should have started swimming when I was young! I love following fellow triathletes and your the journey of awesomeness! Keep on blogging please!

Penny said...

I love reading blogs. The things bloggers post help me stay motivataed. It also always makes me want to try hard than I think I can. Keep the post comming

Katie said...

awww, I love the milestones! congrats! and HELLO that kit, I'm supah jealous!!

and I say...just keep on, keeping on!

Kiley said...

I like your training, pictures & motivating posts...keep them comin

Tonya said...

I'm a new follower and i wanted to let you know that i love that you got to meet Chrissie Wellington and that you told her you loved her at Timberman. I met her a few weeks ago in Philly and I love her as well! I didn't tell her but I should have.

Anonymous said...

I already follow you on Networked Blogs and have you on my Google Reader but just added myself as a "Google Follower" too.

I love your blog. Especially your training and progress updates. So inspirational and upbeat. I hope we can meet at a race someday.

PS your new kit rocks and pics of Ms. Lola always make me smile :)

Jason said...

Let's see more guns so I can get motivated to keep at it......Happened across your Tough Chik sweatfest pictures on Facebook and that got me fired up for the gym this morning.

Elle said...

I am a follower.

I like product reviews and of course, pics of your sweet daughter.

Congrats on getting to 400! Awesome!

ajh said...

I'm fairly new but I also love the Lola pictures.

StaceyL said...

Love seeing what my fellow Honey Badger is up to when no one is looking! lol

Carrie said...

I just love you! You are an incredible motivator, athlete, mommy and woman. Thank you for sharing all your stories and pictures.

Missy said...

I love your blog. Your positive attitude really comes through.
Keep up the good work!

ANNE-MARIE said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE reading about Lola! I do love everything about your blogs, Jen. They are motivating and informative. :)

Heather @ Operation Determination said...

I am a new follower. I love your positive attitude.

Erin said...

I'm looking forward to hearing all about your Rev3 adventures this year!

Gotta Run..... said...

New follower and Team Rev3 teammate :)

Lola is the cutest...but I am so jealous about your KIT. :))

Jill said...

I am a follower :). I love the pictures of your daughter....looks like she's going to love the water like her momma! Yay!

Melissa Cunningham said...

congrats on 400!!!!!
*love* lola posts!
*love* lola pics
*love* to read your training as i am looking more than ever to be driven to the dark side
*love* your story. your journey to fitness and reasons behind it.
*love* yor attitude and realness,and that you are also a mommy+athlete+wife. i know how hard it can be to get in all the training and still be supermom/wife,but you make it seem easy!

Jenn said...

I'm a new follower - I'm loving your triathlete perspective! Lots of runners out there but so few awesome triathlete bloggers :)

Jenn said...

I really really liked your overview of 2011 - for new followers this is a GREAT introduction to you and your goals/accomplishments and your blog! Maybe that's cheating, but that's what i looove :)

Gina Mooney said...

I love that you balance mommy/athlete! Great blog! Very inspirational!

Unknown said...

I completely agree with EMZ on everything. You're just completely awesome.

So I want to continue to hear about how awesome you are, oh and how speedy little miss Lola is in the pool. With growing up being a water baby myself, I am excited she seems to be enjoying it as well.

I do have to admit I'm pretty jealous of that kit, it looks pretty awesome.

Angie said...

I'm a follower! I would love to see more motivation or training posts. Congrats on hitting 400 followers!

Rachelle said...

To be honest, I just started following a couple of weeks ago, so I can't say what I want to see more of, but I'm a triathlete and I love reading about other triathletes and their successes.

Unknown said...

I've been following your blog through google reader for sometime, but now I am 'officially' a follower :)

As I am training for my first sprint triathlon (testing out the waters for a full triathlon). I would love any tips or tricks you have.


-Recommendations on wetsuits/trisuits/swimsuits

-Tips for transitions between each event

-Training advice

-Event day advice

Thanks! Can't wait to see what this year has in store for you! Knock 'em dead!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

More of your smiling face (yeah, a## kissing) but seriously, even though I'm an ultra runner and not so big into tris I love your consistant upbeat attitude. Do you ever get down?

And I loved that blender you jsut reviewed. that is so cool. My little one rarely stops to chew food, that would be great for him.

Holly said...

I love the constant posts! I like when a blog stays active :D

Sunny said...

I love your constant positive attitude. you are such an inspiration. I also like to read your recipes.

Lauren {sweat junkie} said...

I love following along with your training. You are so motivating!! And I love seeing how you are so great at balancing fitness, family, work, etc.

Unknown said...

I really loved your 2011 recap! What a year!

Ironman Journey said...

Love following your blog. You are so upbeat and positive. I love it!! Best of luck to you!!

KMichaud said...

I love the fact your another Mainer :-) And obviously, you need more Chrissie Wellington!

Kristyn said...

I found your blog during your Another Mother Runner Highlight-congrats on a fabulous 2011!
I would like to learn more about heart rate training. I am a new runner and am training for my first Half Marathon (3/4/12) and will actually be running an ultra (126.2) relay in mid February. I would love to know how to use my new HRM to train smarter-not worrying about finishing times, just that I finish each event!!

Unknown said...

I love your great go get 'em attitude. You are so positive, and we definitely need more of that in this world! Congrats!!

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

I love seeing your training posts. You inspire me with your ability to manage your training, training others and serving and the ultimate role model for Lola! Future triathlete in the making!

robinbb said...

I'm a new follower but I am looking forward to reading about your training and being a mom.

robinbb said...

So far, I love your pictures of your daughter.

Lindsay @ Lindsay's List said...

From what I've read so far, you seem SO motivational and just tell it like it is! Love that!

Cindy said...

I like the motivation posts, the Lola pictures, and just following a fellow Maine athlete training through our crazy winters.

Suz and Allan said...

I honestly enjoy everything about your blog do more of the same is perfect! Sorry I'm so behind on reading. Have a great weekend!

Kacie Darden said...

I really like when you post food that you and Lola make!


Follower! Love your blog! I'd love to see more posts about how you fit your training in day to day with the rest of your life. Maybe "a day in the life" post?


I love the posts that reflect on how far you have come. I'm such a sucker for those stories!

Bluegrass Tri Chick said...

I love your energy! It really comes through in your posts. Congrats on 400!

Marianne said...

Love your "pee on the bike" tshirt! Need to get one of those. :)