Now that Quassy is behind me, I am pretty stoked to be feeling as fantastic as I do. I pretty much expected to be hobbling around with a walker for a couple days. I had originally planned on doing Patriot Half (two weeks from Quassy) and backed out, questioning my own recovery ability. Now I wish I had registered...
Not only did Coach create a plan for me that built fitness, I had a couple special tools to help me recover from the Quassy race. Immediately after the race, I hobbled on over the the NormaTec tent and had a session in their compression boots (more on those later!!)
But I also have a couple other tricks up my sleeve that have helped me with muscle recovery!
One of the tools I have been using is The Body Wrench.
The Body Wrench was delivered to my door shortly before I left for Quassy so I spent some down time learning about the curious looking device in the box. But once I had a chance to learn how to use The Body Wrench, it all seemed really simple!
The Body Wrench consists of one "stick", two small balls and two large balls. The balls can be moved onto several spots along the side of the stick or onto the ends, allowing for a variety of positions and uses.
The balls can attached to each end of the stick allowing for very defined reach into smaller areas of the body.
Q: I have been treating myself using a foam roller for the last few years does the Body Wrench do the same thing?
A: Yes and NO .. however its like comparing mp4 technology with cassettes when it comes to music...
Yes, as the principal of myofascial release and soft tissue massage is universal being the desired outcome of all products of this nature
No, although you can use the BW as a roller, the system is far more specific in its ability to deliver the desired pressure to the precise region while remaining relaxed. The results are similar to those expected from a hands on therapist. ~Body Wrench website
I use foam rollers and rolling sticks to help with muscle recovery but what I really liked about the Body Wrench was it's ability to get areas of my body -- like rolling on those glutes -- that I cannot get as deep with a roller or stick.
My Quassy run left me with some tenderness in my right glute and calf so on Monday, the first experiment I tried was the glute rolling set up of The Body Wrench and did a rolling session to release the tightness there. Once I targeted that tender spot (eeeek!! aahhhhh!!) I was able to rock out some of the tension there.
Next up was to try the calf stretch and roll set up. My right calf really took a beating on Sunday and this really, really helped to massage out some tenderness from that muscle that knotted up on my pretty bad on race day. The Body Wrench was unique in the set up-I moved two of the large balls to run just along the outside of my calf muscles and rolled away.
Tuesday, I attempted to run jog but my body was not quite ready for that. I kept it to an easy walk and added in some more time on my Body Wrench, some stretching along with lots of blueberries, spinach and tea.
Wednesday I had the option of many activities in "Recovery Mode" per Coach. While my initial intention was to ride my bike, I found myself lacing up my shoes and heading out the door for a little 30 minute jaunt. I was able to run pain free and had a fantastic run!
Today, I am feeling fantastic and looking forward to a tempo ride tomorrow!
I just loved how easy it was to use and how I was really able to get into that glute muscle and workout those knots. Body Wrench has a simple 10-day plan starter plan that I am going to incorporate into my day and see how things go!
I am also going to be using the Body Wrench for some strengthening exercises and will share that with you too!
If you would like to learn more about Body Wrench, please join our Twitter chat tonight (Thursday, June 7th) at 9:00 pm EST

Image property of Body Wrench
- Body Wrench Warm-ups: Super-effective moves with Body Wrench prepare muscles to work at maximum potential and effectiveness.
- Body Wrench Strength Moves: A killer strength program developed by a world-class Physical Therapist a an elite professional trainer.
- Cool-downs: Act as a sort of natural, drug-free steroid-replacement, speeding muscle recovery and enhancing the results of each and every workout.
- Self Massage: Awesome, feel-good self massage whenever and wherever you want. Just because it feels so great!
I think I need one of these... like now!
I want one! so jealous you got one of these to try!! Sound really great.
While I'd prefer the on-call masseuse, this roller seems pretty fantastic, especially for my own butt!
Body wrench really killing the tired muscles and tissues thus producing your body to execute more conveniently.This device really helps a lot.
the body wrench
Body wrench really helps a lot to warm up your body.It makes your body ready to a crucial and hard game.Thanks for posting this.
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