Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Behind every strong woman...

How do you do it?
How do you find the time to train, to run and be a Mommy and wife? I get asked this question often and my answer is always the same. I have help!

I could not do it without the support of my husband, Casey. He is so generous with his time to allow me to have my workout sessions~2+ hours in the gym Sat and Sun mornings, weekend long runs, running and bike rides after he has worked hard all day. Letting me get out early, early morning to run or pop in an Insanity DVD while Lola still sleeps. Schlepping all my stuff around at races while taking care of our daughter and being a photographer & cheerleader all at the same time!

~Casey and Lola braving the rain at the Kennebunk Beach Classic 5k Road Race in June~

I don't think I thank him enough for all he does. His generosity with his time has allowed me to reach my goals and create new ones. His unwavering support has meant the world to me.
So thank you. Thank you for allowing me to dream big and giving me the opportunity to train so I can reach those goals. Thank you for being my rock and my biggest cheerleader.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice touch thanking Casey Jen ... he has earned your thanks and has, no doubt, earned it lovingly.

Behind many men is a good supportive wife or significant other. Mine is a non-running but terrifically supportive wife, Patti, who is also my best friend.
